Zoom Zero-Day Exploits Sold for $500,000



Zoom popular video conferencing app has been in a huge controversy recently for sending data to Facebook along with encryption issues which allowed hackers to upload the Zoom recordings on Youtube. It has been rumored that the zoom account is being sold by hackers on the dark web

There are two Zoom zero-day exploits one for Windows and one for Mac OS which is priced for $500,000.
The major flaws in the app allow hackers to attack the user accounts and spy on their calls.

Windows Zero-Day in Zoom

According to sources, Windows zero-day is basically an RCE (Remote Code Execution) which can be a perfect spying tool for hackers. They are not limited to the app anymore. An RCE exploit allows attackers to gain system access to the victim’s device. Hackers are still in search of another bug to pair it with the RCE zero-day to attack.

macOS Zero-Day In Zoom

According to sources, the zero-day found on macOS is not an RCE, This makes it less dangerous and harder to use in a real attack.

Before all these flaws rectified, It’s better to use Zoom alternatives. Google has also banned the use of the Zoom app for official communication.

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